Great Companies Have Come And Gone...

Were They Run Over By "Modern" Technology?


  1. Driving traffic in your door with a few clicks.
  2. Driving traffic to your offer.
  3. Enhancing customer relationships.
  4. Building loyalty and name recognition.
  5. Using an "almost" unfair advantage to level the playing field with big-box competitors.

Want more information but don't want to deal with a salesperson? Here's two ways to do that on your own terms and time, 24/7.

Text INFO to 214-731-4900
from your mobile phone now.
Outside the US text 1-214-731-4900
When prompted, reply JOIN to confirm
your intent to receive the free information.
When the phone rings, answer and listen.
Call 214-731-4900
from your mobile phone now.
Outside the US dial 1-214-731-4900
When prompted, press the number 1 to
be connected to the audio recording.
The audio message is less than 4 minutes.

We'll treat you to the information you want and show you a bit more about how Prospect Power Pro works at the same time. No pressure, no hassle, no charge. Plus an opportunity to SAVE 20%

SMS or long distance charges may apply. Check your mobile plan to verify.

Change Is Hard

Get Over It - Get Mobile - Upgrade Your Automation

Traffic In Your Door - On Demand

Just Select When, Where, And How . . .

Imagine having a button on your desk that drives traffic in the door whenever you tap the button. More customers, more sales, more profits. We're not going to give you a button, but Prospect Power Pro will help you get traffic in the door - on demand. We'll take care of the tough stuff.


Want to know how to get more traffic in the door but don't want to deal with a salesperson just yet? Here are two ways to do that on your own terms and time, anytime day or night.

Scan this QR Code with your
mobile phone now. Then tap OK to dial.
Scan this QR code to Call for more information now.
When prompted, press the number 1 to be connected to the audio recording.
The audio message is less than 4 minutes.


Call 214-731-4900
from your mobile phone now.
Outside the US dial 1-214-731-4900
When prompted, press the number 1 to
be connected to the audio recording.
The audio message is less than 4 minutes.

We'll treat you to the information you want and show you a bit more about how Prospect Power Pro works at the same time. No pressure, no hassle, no charge. Plus an opportunity to SAVE 20%

Long distance charges may apply. Check your mobile plan to verify.

Traffic To Your Offer - On Demand

Just Select When, Where, And How . . .

Maybe you would rather drive that traffic to a special offer or incentive on your web site. No problem. The key to on demand traffic isn't a secret formula or a mega bucks ad spend. In fact, it's simple if you know how to do it right. And that's what we do every day at Prospect Power Pro.


Want to know how to get more traffic to your offer but don't want to deal with a salesperson just yet? Here are two ways to do that on your own terms and time, anytime day or night.

Text INFO to 214-731-4900
from your mobile phone now.
Outside the US text 1-214-731-4900
When prompted, reply JOIN to confirm
your intent to receive the free information.

When the phone rings, answer and listen.
The audio message is less than 4 minutes.

Or Or simply scan the QR Code and send us the SMS text message.

Scan this QR Code with your mobile
phone now. Then tap OK to send the SMS.
Scan this QR code to text for more information now.
When prompted, reply JOIN to confirm
your intent to receive the free information.
When the phone rings, answer and listen.
The audio message is less than 4 minutes.

We'll treat you to the information you want and show you a bit more about how Prospect Power Pro works at the same time. No pressure, no hassle, no charge. Plus an opportunity to SAVE 20%

LSMS or Long distance charges may apply. Check your mobile plan to verify.


Enhance Your Customer's Experience

Instantly Deliver More Value Than Competitors . . .

Enhancing your customer's experience starts with letting them know that you appreciate them. Usually, that's a bit more than the "thank you" that comes when they hand you the money. You can automate your follow-up communications to help seal the deal and keep them coming back.


Want to know how to enhance your customer's experience but don't want to deal with a salesperson just yet? Here's how to do that on your own terms and time, 24/7.

Text INFO to 214-731-4600
from your mobile phone now.
Outside the US text 1-214-731-4900
When prompted, reply JOIN to confirm
your intent to receive the free information.
We'll send you a text message with more details.

We'll treat you to the information you want and show you a bit more about how Prospect Power Pro works at the same time. No pressure, no hassle, no charge. Plus an opportunity to SAVE 20%

SMS or long distance charges may apply. Check your mobile plan to verify.

Elevated Customer Loyalty

The Simple Secret To Keep Them Coming Back is . . .

The all to familiar "come back to see us" is a nice personal touch but it doesn't give them a reason to come back. The ticket is to have a way to tell them to come back, why you want them back, and when you want them to come back. We can inexpensively automate this process for you.


Want to know how to keep your customers coming back but don't want to deal with a salesperson just yet? Here's how to do that on your own terms and time, 24/7.

Call 214-731-4900
from your mobile phone now.
Outside the US dial 1-214-731-4900
When prompted, press the number 1 to be
connected to the audio recording.

The audio message is less than 4 minutes.

We'll treat you to the information you want and show you a bit more about how Prospect Power Pro works at the same time. No pressure, no hassle, no charge. Plus an opportunity to SAVE 20%

SMS or long distance charges may apply. Check your mobile plan to verify.

Level The Playing Field

With An "Almost" Unfair Advantage . . .

It's like having an army of customer service reps that touch base with your customers from time to time, and gives them a reason to stop in again. Perhaps more importantly, Prospect Power Pro provides this automation at the fraction of the cost that your big-box competitors pay.


Want to know how to level the playing field and compete head to head with the big-box competitors? Enter your name, email address, and mobile number to instantly receive a call with a 4 minute audio message.

 After you click the Submit button, check your email right away and click the confirm link in our email. Our system will call you right back.

Enter Your First & Last Name:
Enter Your Email Address:
Enter Your Mobile Number:

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If you don't like what you see and hear simply click the link at the bottom of every email or reply STOP to any text. Thank you again!

Change Is Hard

Get Over It - Get Mobile - Upgrade Your Automation

Derek Emery

Mass email no longer seemed to penetrate through spam filters and open rates continued to decline. When I implemented this system my business nearly doubled. The response rate of my customers went through the roof.

Derek Emery,

Managed Account Pricing

21 Day Risk Free Guarantee
Dedicated Account Rep
Setup Included
Monthly Managed Messages
Mobile Subscribers
Email Subscribers
Total Subscribers
Included Follow-Up Messages
Broadcast and Scheduled Broadcast Messages
Included Monthly Mobile Credits
Included Mobile Keywords
Included Mobile Groups
Signup Forms
Painless List Segmentation
Copy Message Sets
US or Canada Phone Numbers Included
Worldwide Mobile Messaging, Voice Broadcast, and Email Delivery

Bronze Account

$439.00 Monthly Recurring

5,000 Total Subscribers Managed Account
  • Dedicated Account Rep
  • Setup Included
  • ELIGIBLE FOR 20% DISCOUNTCall Your Rep *
  • Monthly Managed Messages4 *
  • Mobile Subscribers2,500
  • Email Subscribers2,500
  • Total Subscribers5,000
  • Included Follow-Up MessagesUnlimited
  • Broadcast and Scheduled Broadcast Messages
  • Included Monthly Mobile Credits1000
  • Included Mobile Keywords50
  • Included Mobile Groups50
  • Signup Forms
  • Painless List Segmentation
  • Copy Message Sets
  • US or Canada Phone Numbers Included1
  • Worldwide Mobile Messaging, Voice Broadcast, and Email Delivery

Gold Account

$689.00 Monthly

50,000 Total Subscribers Managed Account
  • Dedicated Account Rep
  • Setup Included
  • ELIGIBLE FOR 20% DISCOUNTCall Your Rep *
  • Monthly Managed Messages4 *
  • Mobile Subscribers25,000
  • Email Subscribers25,000
  • Total Subscribers50,000
  • Included Follow-Up MessagesUnlimited
  • Broadcast and Scheduled Broadcast Messages
  • Included Monthly Mobile Credits8000
  • Included Mobile KeywordsUnlimited
  • Included Mobile GroupsUnlimited
  • Signup Forms
  • Painless List Segmentation
  • Copy Message Sets
  • US or Canada Phone Numbers Included3
  • Worldwide Mobile Messaging, Voice Broadcast, and Email Delivery

* Managed Account Details

* Call your rep to determine how to save up to 20% on account fees - available for a limited time.

* You decide what you want to send and we'll take care of all the details - up to four messages per month.

* You can send as many additional messages per month as you want if you want to learn the system. Until then, we'l take care of sending up to four messages per month for up to eight months.

When you select one of the managed accounts above we'll set up the account for you with no additional charge. We'll create and send up to four new messages per month, per your instructions. If you like, we'll also add those messages to one of your autoresponders so that new subscribers will automatically receive the entire sequence of messages over time. This is how you'll create that perpetual automated follow-up system that your big-box competitors use to leverage their presence. Except you'll do it for a fraction of the cost.

Your account rep's contact information is located on the information that you received that listed this web page address. If you no longer have that information, or you found this web page some other way, we'll assign an account rep to you. Simply contact us to tell us.

Start Using Prospect Power Pro RISK FREE Today and Level The Playing Field With The Big-Box Competitors

Need A Package To Fit Your Biz Model?

We know that one size doesn't fit all. Even three sizes don't fit everyone. For example, we have customers that have thousands of independent reps, and each of those reps manage their own lists. The customer that has over a hundred thousand subscribers and 30 phone numbers. Or the political campaigns that use our integrated system to reach their constituents with voice messaging, SMS, and email.

Click Here to contact us if you need a special account. We'll be glad to create an account with the perfect size and shape for your business.

money back logo

21 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you change your mind and decide that you don’t want Prospect Power Pro, simply close and cancel your account within the first 21 days, and then contact us to request a full refund of your first month’s payment. No questions asked. No refunds are available after the 21st day, so get busy with your Account Representative on day one to get your “almostunfair advantage set up and generating traffic on demand.

I Started By Solving The Problem For Myself

Hello, my name is Brad Barton and I created this incredible software - Prospect Power Pro. I appreciate that you decided to visit today and all of us look forward to helping you create and manage your marketing lists. You see, I first created the software for myself, but as the project came together I could see how important it would be to anyone that markets anything, anywhere on earth. If you truly want to transform your direct marketing results take a look at the video.

Your Last Chance To Turbo-Charge Your Direct Marketing

Use an "almost" unfair advantage to level the playing field


Combine SMS, email, MMS, and voice broadcast into your direct marketing and watch your business grow. Enter your name, email address, and mobile number to instantly receive a call with a 4 minute audio message.

After you click the Submit button, check your email right away and click the confirm link in our email. Our system will call you right back.

Enter Your First & Last Name:
Enter Your Email Address:
Enter Your Mobile Number:

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If you don't like what you see and hear simply click the link at the bottom of every email or reply STOP to any text. Thank you again!

Don't Leave Empty Handed! Enter your name, email address, and mobile number to instantly download my Ultimate Guide to an Ultra Profitable List.

Enter Your First & Last Name:
Enter Your Email Address:
Enter Your Mobile Number:

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If you don't like what you see and hear simply click the link at the bottom of every email or reply STOP to any text. Thank you again!